My Top 3️ Advanced Excel Shortcuts

Advanced Excel Shortcuts Andy the accounts payable reindeer

For my advanced Excel users out there, these might seem familiar to you. But I want to show you how I use these shortcuts and the best use cases.

➡️ Ctrl + Shift + L: This shortcut activates or deactivates filters on your data. It's particularly useful when working with large datasets where you need to frequently change the filters to analyze different subsets of your data.

➡️ Alt + E, S, V + Enter: This is a sequence for pasting values only. It's a vital shortcut when you need to copy data from one place to another without carrying over any of the original cell's formatting or formulas. This sequence opens the 'Paste Special' dialog, selects 'Values', and then pastes.

➡️ F2 + Ctrl + Shift + Enter: This combination is essential when working with array formulas. Pressing F2 allows you to edit the selected cell. After editing an array formula, you must press Ctrl + Shift + Enter instead of just Enter. This tells Excel that the formula is an array formula, which allows it to perform multiple calculations on one or more of the items in your array.

These shortcuts can significantly improve your efficiency in Excel, especially when dealing with complex tasks or large datasets. Remember, the effectiveness of shortcuts can depend on your specific tasks and how you use Excel.


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